ATLANTIS SchoolManager Modules & Features

ATLANTIS SchoolManager
Version 8.0


Exams Office Dashboard

The Module for managing Exams Office operations is one of the most advanced components in the collection of core modules that make up the ATLANTIS SchoolManager system architecture. The module consists of a comprehensive suite of robustly engineered program sub-components that interact amongst themselves and with other system-wide modules to deliver features and functionalities that are consistently accurate, fast and error-preventive, thus making ATLANTIS SchoolManager invariably the best school management software with the best examination results processing and publication component in Nigeria today.

ATLANTIS exams office dashboard

The ATLANTIS SchoolManager Exams Office Dashboard provides about thirty individual functionalities which are grouped into Exams Office Configurations, Exams & Results Management, Academic Performance Analyses, Promotions Management, Class Enrollments Management & Reports. The key components and features of this Module include:

1: Exams Office Configurations: This consists of a number of sub-modules that work in synch with the General System Configurations Module to provide a central point of control on operations relating to:

  • Configuration of the General School Curriculum, such that the compulsory subjects and the optional/elective subjects taken by students in each class for any given Academic Session and Term can be set once and applied across board. For example, the curriculum for science classes may specify that English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology are compulsory for all science students, while they may choose any three or four optional/elective subjects from Geography, Religious Studies, Indigenous Languages, Economics, Foreign Languages and Music.

    The General School Curriculum Configuration component makes it easy for such settings to be configured and applied in one place from the Exams Office Dashboard. Then any student who is subsequently enrolled (into a science class, for example) will have the core/compulsory subjects automatically registered for him/her while the Class Teacher may register the optional/elective subjects that the student may choose to take.

  • Configuration of Max. C.A. & Exams Scores Obtainable – The maximum scores obtainable in continuous assessment (C.A.) tests and final exams for any Academic Session and Term can be configured so that all scores entries will be consistent across board.

    For example, the School might decide that there shall be three C.A. tests and one final exam for a given Term. The maximum scores obtainable for the first C.A. might be 15, while for the second C.A. could be 10 and the third C.A. may avail students up to another 15 points. This makes the maximum scores obtainable for all C.A. tests combined to be 40, thus leaving 60 points as maximum score obtainable in the final exams.

    When settings like this example are configured and applied, the the Academic Records Management Module picks the settings and checks everytime scores are being entered into the system to ensure that no student is ever scored above what is legally obtainable.

  • Configuration of Results Grading Schemes – This component provides functionalites that allow Exams Officers to configure and apply results grading schemes for any given Academic Session and Term. The default grading scheme is the usual WAEC/NECO grading standards (i.e: 0.00 – 39.99 = "F9", 40.00 – 44.99 = "D8", 45.00 – 49.99 = "D7" ... 75.00 – 100 = "A1"). However, the flexibility of ATLANTIS SchoolManager means you could use the default as above or you could re-configure your grading schemes to suit your standards at any time (eg: 0.00 – 49.99 = "F9", 50.00 – 60.99 = "D", 61.00 – 69.99 = "C", 70.00 – 79.99 = "B", 80.00 – 85.99 = "B+", 86.00 – 90.99 = "A", 91.00 – 100 = "A+").

  • Configuration of Automatic Promotions Rules – This component provides a tool that can be used to define academic requirements for promotions so that students who meet those requirements can be easily spotted and promoted to their next classes.

    For example, the system comes with a "Default Standard Promotions Rule" which requires that in order to promote (or graduate), students must:
    1. Score 50.00% or above in English Language.
    2. Score 50.00% or above in Mathematics.
    3. Score at least 50.00% each in at least 3 Core Subjects.
    4. Score at least 45.00% each in at least 2 Elective Subjects.
    5. Requirements are based on Year Average (i.e. Average of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Term) results.
    The fate of students whose performance fall below the stipulated requirements of the "Default Standard Promotions Rule" or any other custom rules defined by the School shall be decided by the School Management.

2. Exams & Results Management: This consists of a group of sub-modules that provide functionalities covering raw C.A. and Exams Scores entry into the system, moderation of Exams results (where applicable), publishing of final Exams results, printing of Subject Scores Sheets, printing of regular Term Report Cards, and printing of Cummulative Academic Reports.

3. Academic Performance Analyses: This consists of a group of sub-modules that provide functionalities covering printing of results in Broadsheet Format, generating and printing of Academic Performance Analyses By Class, generating and printing of Academic Performance Analyses By Arm, generating and printing of Academic Performance Analyses By Subject as well as generating and printing of Overall Best Performing Students from each class of the School.

4. Promotions Management: This consists of a group of sub-modules that provide functionalities covering confirmation of Students promotions and demotions, enrolling of promoted Students into Classes, publishing of promotions and demotions for students and parents to see, generating and printing of promotions and demotions reports by Class (Simple) as well as generating and printing of promotions and demotions reports by Class (Detailed).

5. Class Enrollments Reports: This consists of a group of sub-modules that provide functionalities covering generation and printing of general Class Nominal Rolls, generation and printing of school-wide enrollment statistics by gender, generation and printing of school-wide enrollment statistics by States, generation and printing of school-wide enrollment statistics by Subjects, as well as changing or updating of Students’ Class enrollments.

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